Corporate Social Responsibility Statement

MIP’S Vision: We will help the healthcare industry put people first with uncompromising efficiency, dignity, and quality of life.

To achieve our vision MIP Inc. Group of companies (“MIP”) is committed to managing our business with integrity and openness, delivering optimum economic value within clearly defined business principles and practices that we follow in our day-to-day work and that guide our long-term direction. MIP makes every appropriate and reasonable effort to contribute to the wellbeing and sustainable development of the global community. These corporate social responsibility (CSR) commitments are outlined in our Employee Guides and managed within our ISO Quality System Management Review Process.

MIP Observes the Rule of Law:

MIP upholds and promotes Human Rights, as given in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,1 and the eight core Working Conditions standards of the International Labor Organization.2 At a minimum, MIP ensures that its operations comply with applicable national legislation and local environmental standards in all countries in which it operates. Where national regulations are not of a satisfactory, MIP ensures that it meets the applicable minimum international legal standards. Furthermore, independent audits of MIP's facilities are conducted at least once every five years to ensure ongoing adherence and accountability.

Supply Chain Code of Ethics:

MIP believes in doing business with reliable, loyal, quality, and innovative suppliers with whom we can build strong, honest, and mutually beneficial long-term relationships. In order to preserve this reputation and trust, MIP demands and maintains the highest ethical standards in carrying out its business activities.

Our Suppliers play an important role in helping us meet our CSR commitments. We select suppliers that are recognized as ethical3 according to the norms of the industry and the country in which they are located. We require that, at a minimum, our suppliers adhere to their national rules of law, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the standards of the International Labor Organization and local environmental standards.

MIP employees are required to always act legally and appropriately when assessing suppliers. Incentives, gifts, and rewards cannot be accepted or offered under any circumstance, as described in the Employee Guides. We assess suppliers on their practices using a supplier evaluation process linking supplier performance to awarding future contracts.

Adherence to these standards is ensured by our requirement that suppliers sign declarations confirming their compliance with our CSR policies, including the requirement that suppliers promptly advise MIP in the event that any question arises with respect to their or our compliance with our CSR policies. To facilitate this disclosure, MIP has adopted a Whistleblower Policy, which is available in our Employee Guides and on our website. Where required by MIP or its customers, suppliers will be subject to an audit performed by an independent, third-party auditor.

Environment and Community:

MIP is committed to operating in an environmentally friendly manner in all of its locations. MIP ensures that it complies with applicable local environmental protection provisions and adopts strategies appropriate to its circumstances in order to achieve a satisfactory level of environmental protection.

We conduct GHG emissions calculations for our UK branch (MIP UK) and remain fully committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2050. To support this goal, we have implemented a robust carbon reduction plan. MIP UK’s commitment to net zero is available publicly on our website and can be found here. Moving forward, we aim to extend this initiative globally as part of our unwavering commitment to environmental protection and sustainability.

MIP acts to promote socially beneficial activities directly and by its employees in the communities in which we do business.

Implementation, Responsibility and Monitoring:

MIP’s Board of Directors and Senior Managers are committed to making every reasonable and appropriate effort to ensure the continuous implementation and application of the principles and values defined in this document, to rectify any shortcomings as rapidly as possible and to keep it current by:

  • assigning overall responsibility for implementation of our CSR process to MIP’s Senior Vice-President Supply Chain
  • communicating our CSR Policy and its implementation to employees, business partners and other interested parties.
  • ensuring that all employees have read and understood this CSR Policy and have had the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification.
  • making this CSR Policy part of our Company’s Code of Conduct that all employees are required to sign to acknowledge their acceptance and understanding of its terms.
  • annually reviewing and evaluating this CSR Policy to ensure its effectiveness and continuing relevance, ensure that it reflects current regulatory requirements and governance practices applicable to MIP, and implement any amendments to this CSR Policy.
  • monitoring compliance with this CSR Policy, which includes monitoring both our own operations and those of our suppliers; and
  • ensuring that any violation of this CSR Policy is investigated, and appropriate actions are taken, based on MIP’s CSR management process, Code of Conduct and Whistleblowing Policy. In the event that MIP identifies a significant breach of applicable laws, its responses may include severing commercial relations with the offending party and alerting relevant authorities.

  • Conclusion

    MIP is always happy to discuss this CSR Policy with any interested person. In any such discussion, confidential information with respect to any third party will be handled with due care and confidentiality.

    1. (UDHR) ( aspx?LangID=eng): the UN Global Compacts 10 principles


    3. Ethical Considerations’ include, but not limited to: Animal Testing/Welfare; Fair trade; Labor conditions; Approach to business; Attitude towards local economy

    This statement was revised and approved by the Board of Directors (MIP Inc Senior Management Team) on April 11, 2024